Best Friends Pt. 09: Lisa and Becky


Author’s note: I have not posted chapters 28-31 because they do not contain any Exhibitionist elements and so would not fit with the category here on Literotica that I am posting under. I don’t believe it affects the overall story to skip it. All you need to know is that Lisa has a discussion and an experience with a friend from University that helps her make her peace with her love for her best friend Becky and accept her sexuality, and with it her own appreciation of Becky’s “naked side”…

Chapter 32 — Christmas at Home

The Lisa who boarded the train home a week before Christmas was a different girl to the one who had left for university in September.

The term, and all its experiences, had changed her. She felt, for perhaps the first time, like her head was clear. At last, she knew who she was.

She was no longer consumed with angst about her feelings for Becky, and no longer troubled by her role in her friend’s exhibitionist escapades. Where once she had been sick with jealousy and insecurity, dwelling on the meaning of her strange and unwelcome feelings towards her friend and her ability to manage them in the face of Becky’s own constant confidence, now she felt calm and happy, and excited for the prospect of reunion with Becky and all it may bring.

She loved Becky, she knew that now. She was attracted to her physically, and emotionally. She adored her friend, she thought she was the most beautiful girl she had ever laid eyes on, and the thought of them being together, even just as friends, filled her with nothing but happiness.

She understood that loving Becky, that loving another woman, did not mean her life needed to be complicated, awkward, full of troubling self-analysis. She knew now that it didn’t matter what her sexuality had been, or may be in future; that she didn’t need to always define herself by terms that didn’t fit. All that mattered was what she thought would make her happy at the time.

She no longer felt awkward or embarrassed by Becky’s constant need for nakedness, her obsession with exhibitionism. In fact, she loved that her friend was an exhibitionist, she realized now. She thrilled to remember Becky’s adventures and her role in them, and felt privileged that her friend was so comfortable around her that she felt no need for clothes, that the two of them had shared and bonded over so many unimaginable activities so far removed from what it was normal for two teenage best friends to get up to together.

She no longer feared or worried about sex, about being seen as a woman with her own sexuality. She no longer felt like the back of the class, the last to learn, destined only for disappointment. Sex with a man, or a woman, was no longer something that only other people did. She was not an unattractive lump but a desirable woman in her own right, more than worthy of the love and affection of the person she chose to be with.

Still, though, she wondered. What would the immediate future hold? She wanted now so badly to tell Becky all of this, to tell her exactly who Lisa was, who she wanted to be, and who she wanted to be it with. And for the first time she felt that such confession may bear fruit, rather than be rejected. But how to tell her? And when? The act of telling had to mean something, had to be right — choose the wrong moment, and she might still risk losing Becky forever.

The last few weeks of term had been frantic, with an array of coursework to be prepared for. All the students were going home with multiple essays that needed to be handed back once they returned, and so the giant suitcase Lisa lugged to the railway station was as much stuffed with books as it was the clothes and other sundries she needed for Christmas at home with her family.

She’d made brief visits home once or twice during the previous term and her mum, dad and brothers had called on her at university once or twice for a day out and dinner. But this was really her first true visit home since leaving for uni in the summer — the first time she would be expected so slot back into her old home life, and the first time she would be around long enough to reunite not just with Becky, but with other friends as well.

It was also, both for Becky and herself, the first proper trip home since the local paper had published the scandalous story that sightings had happened all over town of the “mystery nudist” — and since most people who knew Becky had put two and two together and figured out that the girl who had been going naked in public and her clothed accomplice were Becky and Lisa respectively.

Lisa’s parents had asked her about it before, of course. They weren’t as in-tune to the town gossip as many others, but it had eventually reached them that their daughter’s best friend since childhood, a young woman they treated as very much their own daughter, had been publically misbehaving over the previous summer, exposing herself with little regard for who saw — and that their first-born child had somehow been an accomplice to this.

Lisa bursa escort had played down any concerns that her mother and father had brought up, when they finally asked her about it. She’d passed Becky’s behavior off as isolated incidents of high spirits; simply a young woman letting loose in the period between school ending and university. And she’d reassured her parents that at no point had she and Becky been in any danger, and that while Becky was liberal about stripping off, Lisa’s clothing had remained 100% on.

None of that was true, of course. Becky’s serial exhibitionism and growing passion for nudism was certainly not limited to one or two isolated incidents but many escapades, sometimes with an element of risk far greater than should be reasonably acceptable. And even though Lisa had no interest in exhibiting herself in the same way, her experiences on holiday over the summer with her friend had left her without her own clothes on one or two occasions (even if they weren’t experiences she was in a hurry to repeat).

Lying to her mum and dad hadn’t been easy for Lisa, who had always been a truthful child. But she told herself it was for their own good — if they knew the truth, they would worry more than they needed to about her and her friendship with Becky. It may even colour their opinion of Becky much more negatively for them to know exactly what she had been doing — and Lisa wanted to protect her friend from the judgement of people who had previously loved her and might, if they learned about the true nature of her predilection for nudity, think less of her for it.

But she was still aware, coming home for Christmas, that it wasn’t necessarily a closed issue, and indeed it came up the first evening she was back home for dinner, when her father asked her what her plans for the holiday would be.

“Will you be seeing Becky, at all?” her father had asked.

Lisa nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, of course!”

“Oh…” her mother said, managing in one syllable to convey a wealth of implication that she did not necessarily feel this would be a good idea.

Lisa raised an eyebrow, but before she could say anything, her father continued: “That business over the summer. Becky… exposing herself. Getting in the paper and on the internet. It worried us.”

Lisa tried to be concillatory. “I know, dad,” she said. “It’s okay though. It wasn’t a big thing, no matter how it looked online. It’s all fine now.”

Her dad didn’t appear to be listening. “We didn’t know what to make of it,” he continued.

“We talked to Denise,” Lisa’s mum interjected. Denise was Becky’s mother. “She didn’t know what to make of it, either.”

“What do you mean, mum?” Lisa asked.

“Well,” her father continued. “Running about in the altogether. In front of those boys at the cinema, and the young man in the shop…”

“You’d tell us if something was going on?” her mum said. “If Becky was… if you were… getting into trouble with boys.”

Not for the first time, Lisa cursed the euphemistic language her parents used when discussing anything to do with her and the opposite sex. They were both doctors, they knew all about human anatomy, yet when it came to their daughter and the notion that she might have, or one day have, a sex life of some sort, they became increasingly tongue-tied.

“You think those guys made her take her clothes off?” she hazarded.

“No, well, not exactly… Becky’s always been so confident, she’s never been the easily-led type, we know that about her. But we just don’t understand why she was doing those things.”

Lisa leaned back in her chair, taking a deep breath.

“It’s not like that, mum. Becky, well, she just sort of prefers having no clothes on. She’s kind of a nudist.”

Her mum actually laughed, somewhat derisively.

“What, Health & Efficiency, all that sort of thing?” said her dad, drawing a blank from Lisa.

“I’ve no idea what that is, dad! But yeah, Becky just likes being naked. It’s just that… sometimes, she does it in places she shouldn’t.”

“Well,” her mother said, “I never would have put it down to that.”

“Isn’t that a bit… well, odd?” her dad asked.

Lisa laughed. “Yeah, I guess it is. But, well, she’s fine. She just likes being in her natural state.”

Her mum frowned. “Natural state? That’s all well and good I suppose but I draw the line at running round in public with everything out. Whatever happened to modesty?”

Lisa turned to her mum. “There’s nothing bad about what Becky does, mum. There’s nothing shameful about her body. She’s not ashamed of it, why should she be?”

“I’m not saying she should be ashamed,” her mother countered. “But we have modesty for a reason.”

“It isn’t safe,” her father added. “If she’s out and about like that and something were to happen to her… to you…”

“What?” Lisa exclaimed. “What do you mean by that?”

“Well,” her dad spluttered, “you know… girls out wearing scanty clothes — or nothing at all in this case. It’s inviting… attention…”

Lisa’s eyes narrowed. “You mean if Becky does things like this she’s more likely to get raped?” she said in a level tone.

Almost relieved, her father nodded. He obviously hadn’t been comfortable with saying the words in connection to his daughter’s best friend, but he clearly felt the sentiment.

“So what you’re saying is, if a girl goes out with very little on, or if she takes off her clothes the way Becky does, that she’s inviting attention from the sort of men who would… attack her like that?” Lisa said icily. “What you’re saying is, if a girl goes out and doesn’t cover up, she can expect to be raped?”

“Don’t put words in your father’s mouth!” her mother warned, but Lisa pressed on.

“You’re saying a girl who isn’t careful, isn’t modest, should accept being raped as inevitable?” she asked, her voice rising in anger. “What about the men doing the raping? Can’t we expect them to control themselves if they see a naked girl? Can’t we teach them that skimpy clothes and exposed skin aren’t an invitation to rape? Can’t we respect women whether they’re dressed modestly or not?

“What about a woman’s right to wear what she wants without being afraid?” she demanded. Her parents looked awkwardly stunned. “What about Becky’s right to be herself?”

They gave no reply, apparently wishing they had never raised the subject with their now infuriated daughter.

“You know what,” Lisa said by way of a conclusion, “I actually think she’s right. The world’s got a pretty screwed up attitude to nakedness and women, and it shouldn’t be Becky’s problem to deal with that. She’s happy being who she is and I’m glad of that.”

Chapter 33 — Friends Reunited

Lisa saw Becky a couple of times over the next few days. Her friend had arrived home at similar time to her, and once they had spent sufficient time catching up with their families, they were eager to reconnect.

To her parents’ credit, Lisa’s mum and dad showed none of the hostility or concern towards Becky that they had voiced that night at the dinner table. Indeed, the matter of Becky’s appearances in the local newspaper, or Lisa’s subsequent disclosure that her friend was a nudist, received no mention when she was with them in the house.

Well, almost no mention.

“Morning Becky,” Ben, Lisa’s younger brother called as he noticed her arrival.

“Morning, Ben,” she replied cheerfully.

“Got a joke for you,” he grinned.

Becky groaned. “Go on then,” she replied.

“Knock, knock.”

“Who’s there?” she answered.


“Ant who?”

Ben guffawed. “Ant got any clothes on!”

Even Becky had to laugh at that one.

It did make Lisa wonder, though. Obviously her two brothers knew at least something of the rumours or realities around Becky and her exhibitionism. In all likelihood they had seen the story on social media or the local paper’s website, and may well even have found their way to see unedited versions of the photos from the cinema or the shop CCTV that were floating around in the ether.

Lisa wondered how it had been for them, to see this girl, who was like one of their own family, without her clothes on. Would it have been like them seeing their own sister naked? Or would they have been thrilled by it, finally getting to glimpse her beautiful friend, on whom they may well have nursed crushes at one time, in the altogether?

While in her family home the spectre of the scandal of Becky’s exhibitionism becoming common knowledge had apparently dissipated, elsewhere it lingered, creating tensions even during the happy holidays.

Things, Lisa learned, were still a little strained between Becky and her mother over not just Becky’s appearances online, but the wider implications for her home life that those had revealed. The knowledge that her daughter had been practicing a fairly dedicated nudist lifestyle since her early teens behind her back was taking some getting used to for Becky’s mother, and in typical Becky fashion, her daughter wasn’t exactly helping matters.

To Becky, Lisa realized, the fact that she had now been forced to confess her nudism to her mother was all it took to normalize it. Now her mum knew that she preferred to be without her clothes on when at home, Becky reasoned, she should not be surprised or raise objection about Becky doing so. Becky felt that now she had declared herself a nudist, she should be free to walk around naked regardless of whether her mother was out, or home.

Becky’s mum, conversely, took the view that even if Becky was Queen of the Nudists, for as long as she lived in her house, she should follow the rules of her house — namely that Becky’s nudity should remain confined to times when there was nobody in the house save Becky.

Lisa could see both points, although ultimately she felt a greater sympathy with Becky. She knew being able to be comfortable, in her own skin, at home was important to Becky, and likewise she didn’t really understand how a mother görükle escort bayan could feel discomfort at the thought of seeing her adult daughter’s naked body. She supposed it came less down to the nakedness itself, and more the need Becky’s mum had to feel respected by her daughter, something that had been a long-standing difficulty between them thanks to her mum’s worries as a single parent and her fear that by being forced to work much of Becky’s childhood, she had let her daughter “run wild.”

To her credit, though, Lisa never saw Becky force the issue. Around her mother she was always careful to be clothed, although she frequently, and apropos of nothing, complained about the requirement.

They’d not seen their other friends yet, although Lisa had plans from a Facebook group they’d set up for a mini reunion in the local pub one day before Christmas. When she mentioned this to Becky though, her friend looked surprised.

“I haven’t heard anything about that?” she exclaimed, scrolling fairly frantically through her own social media. Sure enough, when Lisa checked the invited participants in the group, Becky wasn’t among them.

Becky, it seemed, wasn’t invited.

This was a cause for more than a little consternation among both girls. Becky was bewildered, genuinely fearing that being left out was some sort of message that she was no longer welcome among their old friends. Lisa, ever the peacemaker, took the view that she was certain it was just an oversight on behalf of the person who had put the group together.

“They probably forgot half the names,” she reassured her friend. “You know how these things are. Of course you’ll be welcome. You can come with me, we’ll go together.”

Privately, though, she wondered if she believed it herself.

Her worst fears were confirmed when the two girls arrived at the pub in their Christmas finest. The majority of their friends had already assembled — including many who neither girl had seen since Becky’s party.

They were all engaged in friendly conversation — but when Becky walked in a pace or two behind Lisa, silence fell.

“Um, hi everyone,” Lisa called awkwardly.

“Hi Lisa,” replied a girl named Ashley, who Lisa knew had been the organizer of the get-together. “And Becky!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with sarcasm. “So good to see you. I almost didn’t recognize you with your clothes on…”

So, thought Lisa, that’s what’s going on. She recalled that Ashley, and her boyfriend Mark, had been at Becky’s party, and she guess that Ashley was one of the girls who had subsequently voiced displeasure at Becky’s willingness to bare all and the way it had… distracted their boyfriends.

Becky blushed. “Hi Ash,” she said quietly.

“Um,” Lisa said, “is everything alright?”

“Of course,” Ashley replied through a fixed smile. “It’s nice to see you… both.”

“I can go,” Becky said in a subdued voice.

“No, stay!” exclaimed another girl, Melanie. “Every party needs a stripper!” There was a smattering of laughter, although Lisa noted that many of their friends simply looked uncomfortable at the exchanges and, she surmised, were probably not as hostile to Becky’s presence as Ashley, Melanie and some of the others.

She looked at the familiar faces — and counted a few absences. Most notably, in fact, were Ben and Amanda, the couple Becky had gone to bed with after the party. While it had never been openly revealed in their circle of friends that they’d had their threesome, Lisa was certain some gossip must have circulated, and she wondered if Ashley excluding Becky had just been about her behavior at her party, or if it indicated some desire to cleanse their friendship group of anyone who might be considered tainted by such rumours.

She didn’t have to wait long for her answer. She and Becky settled themselves in among a group who seemed somewhat less bothered that Becky was there — or perhaps even unaware she was not supposed to be — and gradually things returned to something approaching a normal social occasion, albeit one with tangible tension between certain parties.

A drink or two in, Becky got up to use the bathroom.

“Try not to fall out of your clothes on the way!” Ashley called after her — causing more than a few heads in the pub to turn their way.

“What’s with you?” Lisa asked the other girl angrily as soon as Becky was out of earshot.

“Don’t give me that,” Ashley replied hotly. “You brought her.”

“Yes, because she’s my friend. And I thought she was supposed to be your friend too, Ash?”

Ashley made a face. “Maybe, before we all found out what a pervert she is.”

Lisa shook her head, her blood rising. “Becky’s no pervert,” she said coldly. “She’s the same person she’s always been, she’s our friend.”

Ashley laughed. “Come off it,” she said scornfully. “She’s not normal. Who comes down at their birthday party stark naked in front of everyone and expects them all to just act like it’s no big deal?”

“I don’t remember you telling her there was anything wrong with it,” Lisa pointed out. “You were there, she asked you all if you wanted her to get dressed and you all said nothing.”

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